Carnival Time

Carnival Time

The sound of carousal music coming from the Day room and visitors including staff dressed up in costumes generated the unique experiences of Carnival in the Home during February.

This magical time brings back memories from when our elderly were young. The air was filled with creativity. Residents had decorated and designed masks and costumes that they then wore for the Carnival parade, as they danced to cheerful music. The excited residents got involved in various games and activities like wooden animal racing, fish pond fishing etc. where prizes could be won. The fun did not stop here. The evening moved on to the karaoke feast that lit the air with wonder.

Bazaar Week

Our residents finished the Carnival week with a Bazaar held twice yearly, displaying items proudly produced and presented by them. Their efforts were rewarded and their self-esteem boosted as clients praised items our seniors had worked on throughout the months. Social status in our elderly was visible because a sense of identity seemed to be re-established due to their personal achievements.


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